- May 1, 2022
- Research Works
1. The Elmina Resource Guide on HIV/AIDS and Education for West Africa (ECOWAS): Strategies for Action. Based on findings from the Senior Experts' Conference on "HIV/AIDS and Education in ECOWAS: Towards a Regional Mobilization" in Elmina , Ghana : March 2001. Final Report Ghana , September 2001.
This resource guide is designed to assist policy makers and practitioners access resources and build on best practice for combating HIV/AIDS in the education sector. The guide has evolved from experience based on the “Senior Experts’ Conference on HIV/AIDS and Education” which took place in Elmina , Ghana between March 19 to 23, 2001 . The resource guide is based on the key recommendations from the Elmina Conference and highlights strategies for Government, educational institutions and civil society agencies for combating HIV/AIDS within the education sector.
2. HIV/AIDS in West Africa ; A Regional Overview by Dr. Leslie Casely-Hayford. Presented at the Senior Experts' Conference on HIV/AIDS and Education in ECOWAS Countries: Towards Regional Mobilization across West Africa, Ghana March 2001.
The problem and impact of HIV/AIDS in Sub-Saharan Africa is well known particularly in Southern and Eastern Africa . Surprisingly, little research has been carried out to analyse the impact across West Africa . This study is an attempt to prepare governments within the region to recognise and consider the macro and micro impacts of the HIV/AIDS epidemic before it is too late. It provides an overview of some of the most pressing concerns, which countries within West Africa and their partners will face in the next five to ten years.
3. A Situational Analysis of HIV/AIDS in Ghana Prepared for the Royal Danish Embassy/DANIDA, December 2001.
This situational analysis presents an in-depth study into the impact and prevalence of HIV/AIDS in Ghana . The study provides Government and donor agencies with information on the Ghanaian HIV/AIDS situation to in order to plan for future programming and touches on the following seven themes: key HIV/AIDS indicators, national AIDS policy and strategic organization and finance, the national legal framework and political will, HIV/AIDS programming across the sectors, technical and financial contributions by agencies in Ghana, the United Nations system response, and the existing communication systems. Along with offering specific recommendations to the Danish Development Assistance Programme in Ghana , the report highlights the importance of targeting youth and children, particularly young girls, for the prevention and control of HIV/AIDS in both the short and long term.
4. A Situational Analysis of HIV/AIDS within the Education Sector in Ghana By Dr Leslie Casely-Hayford, Education Sector Review Consultant. Submitted to the Ministry of Education August 2002.
While education can be an important vehicle for assisting in the prevention of HIV/AIDS, the disease can also do the most harm to the education sector by preventing the delivery of quality education. This document explores the situation of HIV/AIDS within the Education Sector by providing an examination of the policy, strategies and operational implementation factors in setting up programmes to combat HIV/AIDS. It forms part of the studies carried out under Ghana ‘s Education Sector Review.