May 1, 2022 0 Comments 3127 Views 0 Likes Our Experience ACHIEVEMENTS Assisted government and donor agencies design programmes on poverty reduction, social and educational development;Provided consulting advice to Government on poverty reduction in the education, health and agricultural sectors;Assisted government and partner agencies develop and conduct research for sector wide programming; Conducted evaluations on education sector support, literacy, good governance and decentralization for DFID, USAID, and World Bank; Conducted gender and social analysis for development programming in Africa;Conducted research on education development, gender related issues, community development and poverty reduction;Developed impact analysis and sub-regional resource guide on HIV/AIDS across West Africa for UNESCO and UNAIDS;Developed sub-regional resource guide on HIV/AIDS and education;Presented Conference Papers on Child Rights, Gender Equity, Poverty Reduction, HIV/AIDS and Educational Attainment in Africa; and Designed, and monitored projects in good governance, decentralization and poverty reduction.