- March 26, 2022
- Research Works
Network Improvement and LV Bifurcation Project –MIDA, MCA 2021
The Millennium Challenge Corporation (MCC) and the Government of Ghana (GoG) through the Millennium Development Authority (MiDA) agreed to an extensive power sector development program. The LV Bifurcation and Network Improvement in Dansoman and Kaneshie ECG Districts aimed at improving the quality of power supply in the communities, reducing the losses in the power distribution and enhancing customer satisfaction. MiDA engaged SAL Consult and AfC to identify and assess the project’s impact by developing a Resettlement Action Plan and Community Engagement strategy.
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The Political Economic Analysis of Education in Ghana; a commissioned study by STAR-Ghana
AfC developed a political economic analysis of the education sector in Ghana in order to identify the drivers of change, the key entry points into the ‘business cycle’ and assist STAR-Ghana in the refinement of its strategy, particularly with respect to facilitating broad alliances and coalitions and pro-poor service delivery in the education sector. An extensive literature review was carried out as part of the study and interviews were conducted with key government agencies, Civil Society Organizations (CSO’s) prominent education coalitions, and think tanks in the sector.
Download Executive summary full report below
Social Appraisal of Ghana’s Poverty Reduction Efforts and Key Development Sectors: with a look at Civil Societies Role (By Leslie Casely-Hayford, 2010).
This social appraisal reviews the social dimensions of the change processes taking place from a poverty, social equity and civil society perspective including: how effective the Government of Ghana has been in the delivery of services and opening up the accountability processes to CSO scrutiny; how effective civil society groups have been at working with the state to hold government to account and provide support in improving their delivery of the services. The study also explores the entry points for further support to CSOs in engagement with the budget cycle and with parliament. The study presents the current state of play across the poverty, gender equity and social service arena’s identifying what remains to be done, the ‘soft spots’ in CSOs interface with the state, how CSOs can make a difference and what financial support they will need. The degree of voice and participation of grassroots organizations have had and the response of government were also assessed.
Strengthening the Chain of Accountability to Improve Quality and Performance in Ghanaian Primary Schools: Impact Evaluation of the Link Community Development, sponsored by VSO (2009):
AfC conducted an impact assessment of, Link Community Development (LDC) programme, in the Upper East Region of Ghana. LCD focuses on improving quality of education through improving accountability, data management and governance mechanisms at district and community levels. This external evaluation involved AfC 10 researchers in the Upper East to interview and conduct a social audit at district level which included assessing LCD’s performance in relation to the district assemblies and other agencies and departments. Beneficiary assessments were conducted with over 15 communities and primary schools across three evaluation districts. The study examines the effectiveness of LCD’s upward and downward accountability mechanisms for building district and community oversight into the education system and empowering parents to take a stronger role in their children’s learning process.
Download Synthesis full report below