• Professor Ash Hartwell, Centre for International Education, University of Massachusetts,
    is a renowned international expert in Accelerated Education, one of the AEWG leading experts.
  • Professor Robert Sauder, International Education Advisor,
    has extensive experience as a researcher and consultant for various NGO’s in the fields of education and international development.
  • Professor Caroline Roseveare,
    Qualitative Research, Gender and Inclusive Education Specialist, is a professional in law and social development with a unique blend of high-level academic and legal qualifications, over fifteen years of international consultancy.
  • Dr. Ricardo Sabates, International AE Specialist,
    has over twenty years of experience leading innovative quantitative methods in education, in particular those focusing on equitable access and learning, impact evaluation and policy evaluation.
  • Professor Kwame Akyeampong, International and Policy expert,
    is a leading expert in AE in Africa and has led several longitudinal studies and randomized control trials on AE in Ethiopia, Ghana and southern Africa.
  • Martha Hewison, Policy Sharing Research Expert,
    is member of the Inter Agency Network for Education in Emergencies (INEE) and also chairs the Accelerated Education Working Group (AEWG).
  • Dr. Helen Abadzi, International Quantitative Research Specialist,
    is a world-renowned educationalist with focus on learning outcomes for the poor in Sub Saharan Africa, with extensive experience working with the World Bank and GPE.
  • Ms. Rhonda Gossen,
    is the Policy Advisor for the Canadian International Development Agency.