- November 3, 2023
- Research Works
PROJECT TITLE – Generating and Mobilising Innovative Knowledge for Regional Education Challenges KIX: A comparative study of accelerated education programs and girls-focused education models in Ghana, Nigeria, and Sierra Leone, GPE KIX (March 2021- 2024)
This project aims to fill the knowledge gap on the scalability of Accelerated Education Program models in rural and fragile areas to reach large populations of out-of-school children. The study also includes mini studies measuring the performance and efficiency of approaches aimed at increasing access to quality education for children in poor rural areas, access to quality girls’ education, educating children with disabilities, and transitioning AE children to formal schooling and retaining them therein. The research design uses a Collaboration, Learning and Adaptation (CLA) approach and includes evaluative mixed-method approaches including two longitudinal surveys related to the programme efficiency and effectiveness, one tracer study which tracks the children who have completed and those who are transitioning into the formal education systems after having been in the AEP and girls-focussed programmes across the three countries, one qualitative study on disability, and a study on access to and transition from AEP to formal primary education. An analysis of the barriers and enabling factors for girls and boys is also included.
The study also involves a meta-analysis of key data points on OOSC and the investigation into non-state and state actors in the AEP and “girls’ circle” spaces.
Research Consortium: Associates for Change (AfC) Ghana, Dalan Development Consultants (Sierra Leone) and Center for the Economies of Africa (CSEA) Nigeria.
This work was supported by the Global Partnership for Education Knowledge and Innovation Exchange, a joint endeavour with the International Development Research Centre, Canada