- Consultancy Services for “Impact Assessment of the Untrained Teacher Diploma in Basic Education (UTDBE) and Sample Survey of Lesson Delivery: Lesson Observation Survey”, Ghana Education Service and World Bank, 2015.
- Research on Trained and Untrained teachers in Northern Ghana: What Value Addition does Volunteerism bring in terms of Systemic Change to Education Quality particularly in relation to Volunteer Teachers and Support Agents under the Tackling Education Needs Inclusively (TENI/VSO) Project (2013).
- Final Evaluation of USAID JHS Education Project, Ghana Transition and Persistence (TAP) Program. Plan Ghana. 2013.
- Research on The Quality and Inclusivity of Basic Education across Ghana’s Three Northern Regions: a look at change, learning effectiveness and efficiency under the Tackling Education Needs Inclusively (TENI) Project (2013).
- STAR Ghana Legacy Document for the Parliamentary Select Committee on Education (2012).
- UNICEF Urban MICS Policy Brief (February, 2012)
- The Political Economic Analysis of Education in Ghana; a commissioned study by STAR-Ghana (2011).
- Designed the Strategic Plan process and conducted the Environmental Programme Assessment for the School for Life programme in Northern Ghana (2012)
- External Evaluation of Concern Worldwide/Irish Aid Education Programme in Burundi, Concern Worldwide (2011)
- UNICEF Out of School Children Study, Ghana Country Report, UNICEF Ghana (Feb. 2011 to April 2011).
- External Evaluation of Concern Worldwide/Irish Aid Education Programme in Sierra Leone, Concern Worldwide (2011)
- VSO-Ghana: Inclusive Education in Ghana: a look at policy, and practice in Northern Ghana. (2011).
- Assessing the Impacts of the Global Economic and Financial Crisis on Vulnerable Households in Ghana: A Sequel, WFP (2010).
- Assessment of the implementation of National Accelerated Literacy Programme (NALAP) (March to June, 2010)
- Evaluation of World Food Programme (WFP) Ghana Country Programme (October, 2009 to March, 2010)
- Design Team for Civil Society Pooled Fund on Governance and Accountability, Department for International Development (DfID) Ghana Country Office (2009)
- TENI Project Design Consultancy for Voluntary Service Overseas (VSO), Ghana (June to August, 2008)
- Organisational development and advisory service for Dignitas Project Kenya/US: NGO capacity building programme, Kenya, (March 2008 to Sept. 2008)
- Impact Assessment of the School for Life (SfL) programme (Northern Ghana, June 2006 to June 2007).
- Research Consortium on Educational Outcomes and Poverty (RECOUP).
- Final Impact Evaluation of Quality in Primary Education Programme in Ghana (USAID Sponsored).
- Commonwealth Education Fund (CEF Ghana) Mid Term Evaluation, Ghana (Action Aid /CEF Sponsored study).
- Design and Social Appraisal Research for DFID Support to Ghana ‘s Education Strategic Plan (SESP) (DFID commissioned).
- Contextual Analysis of Education in Northern Ghana focused on educational quality; several studies leading up to the design of the Education for Empowerment Programme for Ibis , Ghana.
- National Education Sector Review (ESR) for the Ministry of Education, Ghana . Several studies conducted in areas of gender equity, child rights and protection, HIV/AIDS, special needs education, school health and early child hood care and development within the context of Ghana ‘s basic education system.
- Mid term evaluation of the Schooling Improvement Fund in Ghana (supported by the DFID, Ministry of Education (MOE) and the World Bank).
- Team Leader/ Lead Researcher, Study on Complementary Education Systems in Deprived Rural Areas of Ghana (USAID/CARE supported study).